What have I been doing you ask, not posting on this is one obvious answer and the other possibility is trying to get ready to move out of our apartment this weekend and onto the boat.  Pictures at various stages have been posted but there has been no time to get them onto the computer so hold tight they'll be coming soon.  The most common question that people are posing is "are you excited" currently the answer is "not really, just tired".  We have (phil has) sanded all the wood work in the boat to make it lovely beautiful and we are now in the stages of oiling all of it, varnishing the floor and cleaning the rest of the plastic. mission for tomorrow, move as much stuff as we can out of the apartment, saturday, unpack on the boat, pack more at the apartment and paint, sunday keep going, monday, find a costume and go trick-or-treating!!!!  Okay, the cleaning supplies are calling, more when we have something interesting to tell you about!
louise auntie
10/27/2011 11:48:13 am

love u xoxoxoxox


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